All residents, family members and long-term care community employees may join Redwood Redwood’s Person-Driven Care network. When you join, you will become a Redwood “member”.
All individuals who want to use Redwood Health Partners for their primary care needs will complete a Redwood “Election to Participate” form. The form is available from the “Emcee” or health concierge at your clinic location and can be returned to her prior to your initial appointment. Contact us to request more info.
The Redwood clinic is staffed by physicians and nurse practitioners.
You will typically see the physician for your initial visit and anytime your care needs warrant his or her attention. For routine issues and regular monitoring, you will see the nurse practitioner.
Yes. All Redwood providers are credentialed and licensed medical professionals. All Redwood providers complete a special Redwood training to insure that they understand the special needs of those with chronic conditions, can use various electronic health records, and therefore, can work to coordinate care among many providers.
Redwood recruits staff for their experience both with providing coordinated care and service for those with chronic issues and also for their ability to communicate and empathize with the needs of the individuals they see at Redwood.
The Redwood providers keep regular hours and use the same record keeping system as your senior living community which assures that everyone routinely caring for you is working with the same information and can access it in real-time to make the best decisions for you.
As part of our person-driven care approach, members will have access to all of the Redwood team partners but will see the individual whose skills best match your needs. If you need help scheduling an appointment, you will see the MC (Medical health concierge). If you need to check your blood pressure or need to renew a prescription, you will see the nurse practitioner, and if you need to diagnose new symptoms, you will likely see the doctor.
Redwood has regularly scheduled hours at each community to make sure that scheduled and urgent care visits are possible. The hours are set based on the number of residents who join the practice and the everyday schedule of activities at the community, so that residents have easy, convenient access.
After talking with you, the Redwood emcee will schedule needed appointments that cannot be arranged for the on-site clinic and will work with members and families to arrange appropriate transportation.
The simple answer is no. You have the right to choose your provider whether that be for primary or specialist care. In fact, if you choose Redwood for primary care, you may choose to use non-Redwood specialists. In that case Redwood will work with you to assure that all care is coordinated and all providers have the information they need prior to and after visits.
No, because Redwood accepts Medicare and many Medicare supplements, your costs will not change. While Redwood acts very much like a concierge practice, it does not charge an extra fee to the community or to you or your family for our person-driven care.
The Redwood and senior living community teams will form a circle around each member who joins the practice. Together they will identify, care, serve and educate members so that they may live as well as possible. Specifically they will work collectively to assess needs, determine appropriate interventions, and collaborate on care planning.
The Redwood practitioners will be available to address urgent patient issues 24/7. Everyday communication regarding things like scheduling appointments and providing (not interpreting) test results will come from the Redwood/community based emcee, an individual who will function as your health concierge.
Because Redwood becomes your primary care provider, the number of people you have to deal with will not increase. In fact, Redwood is designed to work behind the scenes to coordinate among the many providers you now manage and to be your convenient source for information and medical service.
EHR stands for Electronic Health Record. Electronic health records are mandated under the Affordable Care Act for hospitals and doctors. They are being introduced so that providers have easy access to real time information and so that over time, information can be shared among providers, patients and their families to insure everyone has the information they need to make the best decisions for care and service.
Your Redwood providers will enter information directly into the electronic health record system currently in use at your senior living community. That way care and service will be integrated at the community level avoiding duplicative services and assuring good coordination to serve you best.
EHR is important because it eliminates duplicative entry of information allowing your provider to spend more time with you; it means that your Redwood and community care providers are working with the same information and that information is complete and up to date; it is the basis for communication to providers who serve you outside the community and assures a better transition to another provider or care setting.
Yes. All EHR systems must comply with HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. In addition, EHR systems must adhere to strict internet security standards, i.e. specific levels of data encryption. Information can only be shared with health care providers and other individuals that you have designated.
It is your choice! Redwood is here to make your life easier. We are also working together with our EHR vendors to develop a member portal for enhanced access to your health information. However, always keep in mind that information can only be shared with those who are authorized by you.
A simple screen with a secure internet connection and high resolution screen will be used for Redwood providers and patients to “meet” with specialists (where Medicare covers telemedicine services), for consultations or to include family members in medical appointments or care conference meetings. This equipment enables us to bring together the circle of people who support the health and wellbeing of each Redwood member.
© 2024 Redwood Health Partners